
Dog Attacks Girl, Bites Her Face in West Philadelphia

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Police say a dog viciously attacked a 14-year-old girl inside a West Philadelphia house late Saturday night, biting her face, hands and feet. Officers who responded shot the dog to death when it lunged at them, police said.

A 14-year-old girl is spending Sunday morning recovering in a Philadelphia hospital after police say a dog attacked her in West Philadelphia late Saturday night.

Police said the teen was visiting at a house on Pemberton Street near 57th when the family’s bulldog bit her in the face, arms and feet about 11:20 p.m. Other children who were in the house at the time of the attack called 9-1-1, police said.

The girl was rushed to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and remained there Sunday morning in stable condition.

When officers arrived at the house, police said, the dog lunged at them, and an officer shot the animal dead.

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