Threat forces Montgomery Co. school to switch to virtual learning Wednesday
Students at Wissahickon High School in Montgomery County will be learning virtually on Wednesday, March 26 after a threat of violence, administrators said.
Navigating Philadelphia's Roads: Attorney Greg Prosmushkin on Helping Auto Accident Victims
In the state’s most populous city of Philadelphia, home to 1.6 million people, it’s unsurprising that more motor vehicle accidents occur in the bustling city than any other in Pennsylvania...Promoted By The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin -
Pa. man scattered nails around apparent Trump supporters' vehicles, police say
Police officials in Lower Makefield Township have arrested a Yardley man after he, allegedly, threw nails around the vehicles and parking spots of those he called, ‘Trumpers,’ in an effort... -
Witness jumps into action to stop wrong-way driver at Jersey Shore
A wrong-way driver was captured on camera at the Jersey Shore as a man jumped into action to stop him from putting anyone else in danger over the weekend.
Del. detective sentenced to federal prison for grooming, threatening teen girl
A former Delaware detective was sentenced to a decade in prison after grooming a teen girl and threatening to share explicit photos of her that he asked for.