Alleged Upper Darby Bedroom Intruder Arrested

The alleged "bedroom intruder" is now in custody. On Wednesday, police announced the arrest of 21-year-old Tyrell Booker of Yeadon, Pa. Booker is accused of breaking into the Upper Darby homes of five women between April and June.

During each incident, he allegedly stood over the women inside and watched them as they slept. Investigators say he targeted girls and women between the ages of 16 and 32.

“He stands over the women until they awake,” Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said last month. “When they awake, they’re startled. They scream and he runs out the door.”

The most recent incident took place on June 26 on Clinton Road. The 52-year-old homeowner grabbed a bat next to her bed and Booker allegedly ran off. Investigators suspect he was after the woman’s daughter.

The other incidents occurred on April 16 on the 7200 block of Guilford Road, May 1 on the 7000 block of Atlantic Avenue, June 17 on the 7100 block of Seaford Road and June 20 on the 200 block of Sheffield Road.

During one case, investigators say a woman woke up to find Booker touching her groin before he ran off.

Upper Darby Bedroom Intruder

So far Booker, who is on probation for a burglary conviction, has only been charged for one incident though police expect to eventually charge him for all five.

"We feel very strongly that this is the individual responsible for all five even though we only charged him with one," Chitwood said. "None of the other victims could identify the male."

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