Terry Jones Gets New Car for Not Burning Quran

NJ car dealer Brad Benson makes good on his promise

A New Jersey car dealer plans to keep his word after offering Florida pastor Terry Jones a new car if he promised to not burn a Quran.
Car dealer Brad Benson made the offer in one of his dealership's quirky radio ads, which focus more on current events than cars. But he was surprised when a representative for Jones called to collect the 2011 Hyundai Accent, which retails for $14,200.

"They said unless I was doing false advertising, they would like to arrange to pick up the car,'' Benson recalled. At first he thought it was a hoax, so Benson asked Jones to send in a copy of his driver's license. He did.

Jones, of Gainesville, Fla., never burned a Quran but told The Associated Press on Thursday that the offer of a car was not the
 reason, saying he learned about the offer a few weeks after Sept. 11.

He said he plans to donate the car to an organization that helps abused Muslim women.

"We are not trying to profit from this. We are not keeping the car for ourselves,'' Jones said by telephone from California, where he was taping television appearances.

The pastor will have to pick up the car at Brad Benson Mitsubishi Hyundai in South Brunswick so he can fill out paperwork. No date has been set for the handover.

Jones had threatened to burn the Muslim holy book on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks over plans to build an Islamic center and mosque near where terrorists brought down the World Trade Center nine years ago. Muslims revere the book as the word of God and view its destruction as sacrilege.

His plans drew opposition across the world.

Benson, a former New York Giants center, said he originally offered Jones use of a car for a year if he refused to burn a Quran ever.

"I just didn't think that was a good thing for our country right now,'' Benson said.

He's now giving Jones the car outright because he doesn't want to be connected to whatever the Florida pastor does with it.

"I don't want to be involved in the politics of that,'' Benson said.

In 2003, Benson offered another newsmaker -- Saddam Hussein -- a new car if he fled Iraq. That commercial wasn't as successful, and Benson pulled the ad after two days, replacing it with one apologizing for any offense that was taken.
The Quran commercial was part of a regular "idiot award'' segment Benson has singled out others for, including Lindsey Lohan,
Mel Gibson and Roger Clemens.

"We don't have your typical car commercial,'' Benson said.
But they are memorable -- and effective. Three years ago, he was selling 60 cars a month, he said. Today, that number is between 500 and 600 -- making him one of the state's most successful dealers.

Copyright The Associated Press
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